Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Kids my age these days
by Trenten Morris
(South Texas)
Hello I'm 21 years old and wanted to be a welder since I could remember I tried the whole college thing for operations due to peer pressure seeing a lot of my buddy's go and I absolutely could not stand sitting by a computer screen all day. I got out of school after two semesters and got a job on the railroad repairing all the railcars in the Dow chemical fleet in Freeport Texas. I couldn't believe the looks and snotty remarks given to me from the kids of my class and even their parents! Every time an elder Asked me where I worked they thought that was a highly respectable job and it just boggles my mind. Needless to say I finally got my welding machine after 7 months of saving and alot of sweat in this south texas heat and i hope to be an aerospace welder when it's all said and done. What you do on this site rocks and means alot to me mr Jody all the times I've had problems with laying a nice bead down there is more times than not been a video on here that has straightend me out and kept me going.
Much appreciated, Trenten Morris
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